Why I’m Not Watching The Time Traveller’s Wife

I love romance. I love science fiction. I love science fiction romance (About Time is a great film and This Is How You Lose The Time War might be the most romantic book I’ve ever read. So surely you’d think that The Time Travellers Wife would be perfect for me. At least that’s what I thought when I read the book last year. Yet, I was very disappointed.

Mainly because this book is not a romance. It is a metaphorical tale about child abuse and grooming. The premise is literally a man telling a young girl that they are destined to be together and her falling for it until they eventually get married. That is the most problematic plot ever. It is so problematic that it only could have only been published in the early 2000s. It had to be published in the era of toxic fictional relationships. Yet, at least other novels from this period (like everyone’s beloved Twilight) are fun.

I am absolutely baffled how someone could have decided to make an adaption of this story in the post-me-too era. In fact, I feel like what was needed was an anti-Time Traveller’s Wife TV show. Now is the perfect time to explore just how toxic the romances we grew up reading and watching were. Seriously Netflix needs to get onto this concept cause I’m sure it would be a massive hit with the 20plus-year-olds who survived this era.

Wrapping it Up March 2020: Films I Watched

As term for busier the number of films, I watched decreased. This month includes finally making it the cinema for the first time in a while though, so small victories.

Misbehaviour Pathe UK

This month I went to the cinema for the first time in ages. Misbehaviour was well worth the wait. It is a masterful film about feminism and women’s experience. I really loved how the film focused on the variety of opinions women can have on issues, the film truly showed the variety of experiences and opinions women can have. It was nice to learn more about the 1970 Miss World Competition, an event that was glanced over in my A-Level course.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) - IMDbTwilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 

After watching Eclipse last month, the marathon continued. These films are great to watch with a group of friends, while taking the mick. Part 2, in particular, is really fun to watch with people who haven’t seen it before – if you know you know. 

Wrapping it Up February 2020: Films I Watched

A lot of the films I have watched this month have been re-watches. Here is a rundown of the films from the easy-to-watch re-watches to the new films I have watched. 

Image result for easy aEasy A

Having read The Scarlet Letter recently for university a re-watch of this classic teen rom-com felt necessary. While both deal greatly in both the genres and the messages, both are great. Both point out the hypocrisy of the community but other than that they are very different. 

Late Night 

Yet another re-watch. Even though this is a more recent film, it was still the second time I watched it. A film that explores diversity in the media and how to stay relevant naturally appeals to me. Also, a film written by and starring Mindy Kailing was obviously going to be something I would watch. Such a good film. 

Image result for miss americanaMiss Americana: Taylor Swif

Before hearing about this film I did not expect a documentary about Taylor Swift to be so hard to watch and be such a political statement. This film was great in that it shed a light into Taylor Swift, the music industry and the press. It points out the horrible double-standards faced by women in the industry. I thoroughly recommend this film.

The Thing About Harry 

This was an incredibly fun and easy-to-watch romance film. I did have a few issues with some plot points, but for a made for TV rom-com, it was really good. More LGBTQ+ romance films need to be made and this was a great start!

Image result for kingsman the secret serviceKingsman: The Secret Service 

I love a tongue in cheek film and this is a great example of how to do it perfectly. For a long time, I thought I wasn’t the biggest fan of the spy genre, but it is clear I’m just not a big fan of James Bond films. Kingsman is a great film! This was another re-watch because apparently I don’t really watch new things anymore. Taron Egerton is one of my favourite actors and this is a great film. 

Twilight: Eclipse 

This was obviously a re-watch. Like most people my age, Twilight was a major thing for me back when I was younger, I read all of the books and watched all the films. The first one is definitely my favourite, mainly due to nostalgia, but all of these films hold many memories.